3d Carving Basic Technique 03

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 1, 2012

Hello this is Part 3 of 3d carving basic modeling. Enjoy...!

1.  Start from Create Panel > Plane > Right Click > Convert to > Convert to Editable Poly > Rotate 

2. Edit vertex position with "Move" tools > Extrude Edge ( select Edges + Shift + Drag )

3. Edge selection, use "Loop" to quick Selection  > Extrude Edge ( select Edges + Shift + Drag )

4. Use "Cut" to adding some lines

5. Select Edges ( use "Loop" to quick Selection ) > Pull Forward

6. Use "Cut" to adding some lines inside the carving

7. add some lines in another side

8. Final Result with "Use NURMS Subdivision > Iterations = 2

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